Grade 5 & 6 - Integrated Studies

Nesibe Yuksel

Hi Everyone,

Welcome back to another educational and busy Term. This term in Integrated Studies, students will have a chapter test and continue to be marked on the level of confidence, effort and achievement they display in class.

Grade 5s are exploring "The Solar System". In groups, students worked on a poster of our solar system to correctly illustrate the size & colour of all terrestrial and gas planets. Students also gave effort to show the rings and moons of all planets. Our topic will change into "Light" in a few weeks, which is what the test will be about towards the end of the Term.

Grade 6s are investigating "Natural Disasters" this Term. Students made a demonstration of a volcano in groups, as well as exploring different types of waves with their peers in class. The chapter test for grade 6s, will be on natural disasters during week 6. Our next topic will be on 'Electricity".

All the best both to grade 5s and 6s for the remainder of the year.

Ms. Nesibe